As most people have, in New Years past, I have made resolutions. Some I’ve stuck with, others have faded with the passing of the months and finally been forgotten. Late in 2011, I happened upon a book which suggested a different idea: Establishing a “theme” for a desired transition in life doesn’t have to be set at the New Year, but for me it was perfect timing. My theme for 2012 and beyond is “Getting My Hands Dirty”. Having finished college, completed my dietetic internship, and passed the arduous Registered Dietitian exam, I saw no clear next steps in front of me. Because my world was wide open, I began to unlock the possibilities and think critically and carefully about my next steps. I felt I needed some real world experience before reentering the realm of academia. It felt wrong to begin a master's of sustainable food systems without ever having worked on a farm.

This year I plan to participate in WWOOF (World Wide Organization of Organic Farmers) in a jump to get my hands dirty, literally, and to actually experience the philosophies I am so passionate about. I am mostly looking to wwoof at homesteads, more so than larger farms. Most of the wwoof hosts I've contacted are small homesteads that primarily live off the land and sell some produce at nearby markets. Some are off the grid, described as "insanely committed camping". All those I've contacted so far have been rural, but it would be great to experience an urban homestead as well. After all, it seems to me that since most folks live in cities, urban homesteading is a huge part of creating sustainability in our world. One of the farms I might wwoof at is in Bath, NY. If I do make it there, I might just have to get an experience in urban homesteading in NYC. That would be the ultimate urban farming experience!
I'm trying to leave my plan open-ended enough to allow for spontaneous opportunities to come at me (like NYC); however, I do want to have enough contacts when I set out that I won't be wasting time on the trip trying to find farms that aren't full. Two notes I've written to myself in my wwoofing planning folder are: Don't squeeze too much in! and Don't be afraid to waver from the plan! Yes, since I am usually an over-planner, I need to write these things in as reminders.
What do you think the importance of hands-on experience is? Have you ever been a farming intern? Is it important to you to know your food?
1 comment:
In 2012 I became a Registered Dietitian and have spent the past 2 years serving as an AmeriCorps member with Cooking Matters (an non-profit that teaches hands-on cooking and nutrition classes). As part of my service with Cooking Matters I've been managing a small urban farm plot that provides produce for our program participants. Much to my dismay my second year of service is coming to a close in September (two years is the maximum number of years you can serve with AmeriCorps). I was searching for next steps and stumbled upon WWOOFing. I'm saving my money and plan to spend September to July WWOOFing. I'm just wondering if you had a good experience with WWOOFing and feel that is was a worthwhile experience? Do you feel like it has benefitted you as a nutrition professional? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,
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